Due to icy road conditions, No School 2/5/2025

The Lexington R-V School District is excited to share that the Board of Education has selected Toni Smith as the new assistant superintendent for the 2025-2026 school year. Mrs. Smith has been a dedicated educator within the Lexington R-V School District for the past 15 years, serving in various roles, including fourth-grade teacher, Title I reading and math teacher, summer school administrator, and principal of Leslie Bell Elementary. Her unwavering commitment to the district and its students is evident in her exceptional leadership and dedication to excellence in education.
A proud parent of three children, who will be fourth-generation graduates of the Lexington R-V School District, Mrs. Smith and her husband, Chaz, are both alumni of the district. This deep connection to the community further underscores her passion for its success.
Mrs. Smith will officially assume her new role on July 1, 2025. Please join us in congratulating her on this well-deserved promotion!

ECC/PAT Screening Flyer

February 2025 Activity calendar

Due to extremely cold temperatures causing concern for walkers and students waiting at bus stops, school is cancelled tomorrow. Stay safe and warm!

NO PD today. Staff can come to buildings this afternoon if it is safe to travel.
Due to weather conditions, Activities/Events - TBD

Due to continued safety concerns, school will not be is seesion Thursday, January 9th or Friday, January 10th.
Staff will report to their building on Friday, January 10th for PD/Work Day.

Lexington R-V will not be in session tomorrow, January 8, 2025 due to road conditions and weather. Stay safe and warm!

January 2025 Activity Calendar

The Lexington R-V School District is excited to share that the Board of Education has selected Amanda Finkeldei as the new superintendent for the 2025-2026 school year. Ms. Finkeldei has served the district as a gifted education teacher, special education process coordinator, counselor, vocational resource educator, summer school administrator, summer school coordinator, director of career and technical education, and assistant superintendent. She has dedicated her entire twenty-three years as an educator to the Lexington R-V School District. She is a proud parent of four children. Emmett and Evan attend State Fair Community College and Ethan and Audrey are current high school students. Ms. Finkeldei's children are fifth generation graduates of the Santa Fe School District, a member of the Lex La-Ray consortium. Her husband, Jason, is a lifelong Lafayette County resident and current Blackburn business owner. Ms. Finkeldei will officially begin her duties on July 1. Please join us in congratulating her on this promotion! #minutemenstrong

Dear Lexington R-V Families,
It is with mixed emotion that I share that the Board has officially accepted my resignation effective June 30, 2025. After significant reflection on what is best for my family, it is time for me to move on to our next chapter. Thus, I plan to retire upon completion of this school year.
It has been my honor to serve nineteen of the 25 years of my career, leading as superintendent for the last six, as part of the Minuteman family. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked in a place that I am sincerely passionate about. We truly have such amazing people here! We still have a lot to accomplish in the 2024-25 school year. Please know that I am dedicated to working hard for our District through the end of June, as well as providing assistance as needed for a smooth transition.
I am proud to be the mother of five Lexington R-V graduates, with the sixth joining the ranks in 2026. I will continue to support our District as a parent and community member. #minutemenstrong
Yours in Education,
Sarrah Morgan, Ed.S.

December 2024 activity calendar

At the November 20, 2024 Board of Education meeting, First Student Transportation recognized the following individuals:
Staci Brooks was honored with the Quality in Education Award.
Abel Hamer received the Elementary Star Student Award and Elisabeth Staus was acknowledged with the Secondary Star Student Award.
Each individual received a framed certificate and a $25 gift card.

Due to the weather forecast, "Trunk or Treat" has been moved inside to the LHS Gym. Doors open at 5pm for our trunk or treaters! We look forward to seeing you then!

November 2024 Activity calendar

All proceeds will be donated to the Special Olympics of Missouri.

Trunk or Treat 2024

LMS would like to invite you and your family to join us for our Touch a Truck event next Wednesday, October 16, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm! We hope to see you there!

Trunk or Treat-Save the Date!

October 2024 Activity Calendar